Friday, February 18, 2011

Facebook Fatigue

I love a new phrase thats been floating around and I have used it quite liberally in recent weeks. You may have heard me say it. "Facebook fatigue". Although at first it may inspire some chuckles in internet addicts like myself, I have for some time suspected that the joke may be on us. But, hey, I'm no stranger to being the butt of jokes. I was, after all, photographed in both the eighties and the nineties, donning cringe-worthy outfits and questionable hair. And these photos are floating around out there somewhere in cyberspace for all to see and comment on. Thank you, Facebook. Thank you.

Speaking of bad fads, is that all that Facebook is? Are we merely buying into a craze? A craze that has gone completely global? Does it have a shelf life? Is it The Macarena of the internet? Are we going to join in, dance with it a bit, learn it, love it, jump at every chance to do it, include it somehow at every function, until the fun wears and we realize that the cool kids left the party a long time ago? Well, that remains to be seen. I, myself, am no "cool kid" and never have been. But I am considering leaving the party.

My guess is that Facebook is here to stay, in some form or another. But you see, I am finding myself spending way too much time checking the latest status-posts when I could be spending time on... well, a million other things. I am now a mother/housewife and everyone knows that a woman's work is never done. I have long been wanting to start a blog as a creative outlet and as a way of communicating with close friends and kinfolk. And as Facebook brought me back in touch with these friends and kinfolk, I admit it also brought me back in touch with a lot of other not so close "friends."

Don't get me wrong, it is a blast seeing what old fellow high school alumni are up to these days. I love learning who what's-his-face married and what career path so-and-so chose. Unfortunately, I don't really care to read about what they had for lunch, what their fortune cookie says, or their latest political rant. In a perfect world, I would "un-friend" these people and keep only the close friends and kinfolk that motivated me to get on Facebook in the first place. But then I feel like a snob or a bully. And snobs and bullies remind me of high school. And in high school I did The Macarena.

So, therein lies the question. To Facebook. Or not to Facebook. For right now, I can't decide. I don't want to leave the party too early and miss out on something really cool. But, I also don't want to get sucked into a mind-numbing fad when I could be being creative and blogging for you fine people. What I do know is that I am suffering from extreme Facebook fatigue and I am going to try spending less time on that damned network and more time cleaning my house, playing with Wolfie, reading books, working out, taking Keiser for walks, cooking delicious dinners for my husband, and writing in my new blog.

So, here it is folks. Smoke Signals from Alaska. Comments greatly appreciated.


  1. Love it, Jolene! I am with you, I am finding myself spending way too much time on here and sometimes I can't stand it, can't stand that I keep checking...for what?! I'm just not sure. I am fatigued. A close friend just up and closed her account a while back and I loved her for that. Now we email, just like the good ol' days!! Keep up the blog, and tune facebook out, or just check it so sparingly that it is exciting to read. I'll join your club, girl. xo jessi

  2. suspect four of the goat hurdlersFebruary 19, 2011 at 4:32 AM

    facebook is for chumps. and for music purposes, i am a chump.

    I told Goat Hurdler the other day that I wanted to abandon fb completely, to go about making music and collecting fans the old fashioned way, through playing and playing and playing, illegally stapling the whens and wheres and with whoms on some unsuspecting power/telephone poll somewhere and running from the subsequent chase from five-oh...we'll see where it all goes.

    I, for one, am for it all. fb is for chumps

  3. My reasons for leaving fb are much like yours. I can honestly say I am happier, am making much better use of my time, and am enjoying connecting with people on a more personal level (coffee, phone calls, email, etc.). I'm thinking about a blog again so I can post pics of the kids, but for now I am enjoying my time off the computer ;). Love you!

  4. I love it Jo!! You are such a fantastic writer and I completely agree with you! I have to be realistic with myself and know that I will not close my FB account; however, I agree that especially with Emma in our lives now, the electronic world that we live in needs to slow down! I don't want to be one of those mothers who raises her kids with a laptop/cell phone glued to my hip as well. I have been wanting to start an official blog, so thanks for the inspiration!! I can not wait to read your posts!


  5. Jo, Excellent thoughts

    Ahhhh, but we just can not help ourselves, even here :) We are all commenting, sharing, communicating...

    I've noticed (because I'm old and used to actually write LETTERS that I sent through the POST OFFICE) that in this world of busy, busy, busy it seems everyone is really needing, wanting a social connection. I remember a day when my friends would come to my house and visit, I mean really VISIT. When I was growing up, that's how it was done. Do you remember standing at the door of your parents friends house---all ready to go in your heavy winter coat, boots, hat, etc. while you mom&dad said "Just a minute, we're ready to go" and continued talking while you were sweating?

    They would actually take the time to VISIT each other. And I did the same. My friend in Great Britain talks about those visits we had so often when we first became friends.

    Oh, my friend in Great Britain, by the way, has been absent from my life for about 20 years. FACEBOOK is how we found one another again. And it's been such a huge delight! I've missed her, and I'm so happy to know how she's doing her kids are...catch up on 20 years.

    So, while it seems that a lot of people are pondering the Facebook phenomenon I have to say...don't think so much! If it's really an issue for you than ok, but, for me, I just hop on once or twice a day. I don't spend more than 20 minutes cause there's really not THAT much going on out there :) But I love that I can converse with my family, friends, share pics of my kids & whatever. I also notice that I've gotten a little closer to some people that I haven't been close to for a while!

    Since I'm not and never will be a phone person, FB has been wonderful for me. I can talk WHEN I WANT TO LOL. Sounds selfish, I know. Anyway, that's my two cents. For whatever it's worth(probably not more than 2 cents). I also have to say to all you youngfolk...don't think TOO much, takes the fun out of life! Love, Ruthie

  6. haha, against my own advice I AM thinking too much. We live too far apart to be able to experience the things shared over the "net" together, sadly. But it's helped me to get to know my nieces & nephews in a way that I feel like I really KNOW them. I'm not saying that I do, I believe we need to spend time together for that to happen. But the pictures, anecdotes, etc. have made me feel closer to them all than I could have without, for sure! I think you know what I'm saying. We live so far apart, or have so many things going on, I LOVE to get the end of the day little blurbs that help me remember how lucky I am to have such a beautiful family!

    love, again--ruthie

  7. Holy crap. I just typed this whole big long comment and my computer did something totally crazy and then my big long comment was gone. Aaargghhh!!! Well, in short, what I was writing was thanks to everyone for the comments!! I love stirring a good conversation. :) Pros and cons to Facebook...
    Pro: Ruthie, I too love catching up with old friends. It's fantastic! And I love being able to show long-distance family and friends pictures of Wolfie. It's so nice to be able to communicate quickly with everyone.

    Con: I hate the big-brother-ish feel it gives me sometimes. I hate the check-in feature where anyone can tag you at a place/event at any time. I don't like people to know where I'm at at all times. When people tag me I have to check and untag myself if I don't care for people to know that I'm not home.... that rattles me a bit. People knowing that my house unoccupied is kinda creepy.

    Verdict: As of right now, I'm still enjoying Facebook enough to stay on, but if I grow any more weary of it or just plain sick of it (as Dave did. He completely quit last week because it drives him crazy.) then I may consider deleting my account.

    Again, thanks for the thoughtful comments all! I look forward to hearing more from you!

  8. I have to agree with Ruthie too. I have found, have been found by, friends that I haven't seen in years! High school friends and college friends and people I've worked with, where there are no other ties that remain to find each other...thank you, facebook. But, I've been off of it for two days now and it feels great! Do I sound like an addict? I think I was totally pulled in there for awhile. Will stay off for a while longer and then go back s l o w l y and see how it goes. xo

  9. suspect four of the goat hurdlersMarch 2, 2011 at 5:10 PM

    I eat nails for breakfast.

  10. Okay, you made your point. Now get back on Facebook. I don't like you not being there. I'm older so I can tell you what to do.

    I'm cereal, do it.....
