Saturday, June 30, 2012

I'm still here!!

All packed up and ready to go- Dave, Dylan, and Keiser
Hello all! Long time, no blog, eh? Well I am just writing a quick entry from my iPhone to let you all know that I haven't forgotten about you and that I will be blogging on a more regular basis soon. I have found a Valdez bakery with free wifi, called Magpie's. It is owned by an old friend, Maggie, and is filled with espresso and amazing baked goods, that I will be sampling much of I'm sure, while I blog and keep you all updated on the goings-on of Dempsey mining.

It has been an eventful couple of weeks that I will have to fill you in on later when I have more time and a regular keyboard (so I'm not thumb text-typing from a 3 inch screen). We have moved the Free Spirit to Valdez and are currently making progress on the road up to the mine. We have been blessed with some beautiful days but today is a typical Valdez day- cold, grey, and damp. But with our cozy campers and trusty rain gear, we are keeping warm and dry.

The Free Spirit heads towards the Valdez mountains
Dylan and Keiser are adjusting well to the change in climate, schedules, and sleeping quarters and are enjoying all the outdoor playtime. Today I will make my way up to the mine with Dani and Rita so we can bring the boys their lunch and check on their progress. I hope to post pictures soon!!

Also, today is Doctor Dan's 60th birthday! We plan on celebrating with some dinner and a special cheesecake compliments of Maggie from Magpie's. Shout out to Doctor Dan in his 60th year- may it be full of adventure and gold!

I will be writing more soon so please keep reading. For now, I will leave you with a thought by Jack London....
"Don't loaf and invite inspiration: light out after it with a club, and if you don't get it you will nonetheless get something that looks remarkably like it."

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