Monday, July 30, 2012

Back at the mine!

Hello faithful readers! Sorry about the long hiatus again, but thanks for returning! Just a quick update from the iPhone...

My sloper is back, yay!! He returned to Valdez a few days ahead of us in order to set up camp and make me a "palace" at the mine. And now that Dylan and I have arrived, I must say, he didn't disappoint! The camper is much more comfortable and seems to be operating a lot better. We have an endless water supply and are hooked up to a septic tank so (hopefully) we don't have to endure any more sewer issues.

But all of this, of course, did not come without a lot of hard work. Dan, Rita, Dani, Mike, Peggy, and Dave had to haul each camper down that seven mile "road from hell", nearly losing one fifth wheel to the camper Gods in a creek crossing. Not to mention, if that fifth wheel would have toppled over the bridge, it would have taken the truck and Dan and Rita with it. To say it was a close call would be an understatement. But I am happy to report that everyone arrived safe and sound with gear and mobile homes intact.

And now we are comfortably camping and operating the equipment 24/7. And, perhaps the funnest part of my week, my nephew Jesse has joined us and will be staying for the week to help us play, fish, and pull some gold out of the ground.

Jesse visits Mineral Creek Mine
So far, I'm "digging" (hehehe) the mining life and I'm getting used to my rainy summer. Hope to post more pics soon! Blogging has actually proved to be the most difficult, albeit most enjoyable, part of this season for me.  The Alaska boonies and lack of Internet connection can be blamed for that. But I will continue to try to keep you all posted as often as I can. Hope this finds you all well and in good spirits! Greetings from Dempsey Mining!

The back of the overalls read "Dempsey & Son Mining- Dylan."
A fantastic gift from one of Dave's co-workers.


  1. That last picture really reminds me of pictures of Scott when he was little :). Hope Jesse has a great week with all of you! Always love reading your posts!

  2. Hi Jo! Sounds like you are really enjoying yourself, that is so awesome! I bet it's nice to get away from civilization for a little while. :) Dylan is getting so big and is soooooooooooo very cute! I just want to squeeze him! :) We love n miss you all lots!

  3. Thanks for reading guys! Yes, D does remind me of Scott from time to time. And Jesse came to the mine and spent a week with us and he REALLY reminds me of Scott. We are having a lot of fun and are keeping insanely busy. Love and miss you guys so much! Please keep returning to the blog! :-)
