Sunday, May 19, 2013

What do your kiddos eat?

One of the things that I never anticipated about motherhood is that nagging, incessant instinct to want to continually feed my kiddo.  I am always worried, Is he eating enough?  Is he getting enough fruits and vegetables?  Is he eating too much sugar?

I'm sure these questions don't surprise the seasoned mother.  I worry that Dylan is too skinny and that his daily PB&J intake is way too high.  I offer him new foods all the time, with about a five percent success rate.  That means with about every 100 new foods, new meals that I offer him, Dylan will eat around 5 of them.  And by eat, I mean he'll try them... most of the time spitting them out and making a funny face.

Dylan, on a really good day, will eat eggs & toast or pancakes for breakfast,
PB&J for lunch,
Maybe a tiny bit of chicken for dinner... maybe.  And strawberry milk.
And some fruit or crackers for snack.

I try not to get discouraged.  I know I'm not the only mother out there with a picky eater.  But sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming preparing snacks and meals that repeatedly get turned away.  I am continually reading up on advice online and I have seen the same things repeated over and over.  "Kids will eat when they're hungry."  "Refined sugars are horrible for them."  "No fast food!"  And the classic, "My kids only eat what we eat because we don't give them another option."

That is all fine and good for some parents, but I am also a strong advocate for the principal that every child is different and, therefore, may have different tastes, needs, etc.  And I also believe that some things are okay in moderation.  And, yes, I am talking about the occasional McDonald's nuggets and over-processed, refined, sugariest of the sugary snacks.

Sometimes life is busy and we are a lucky generation that we have that last resort fast food to fall back on in case we are out running errands when our kids start fussing and we forgot to pack their favorite crackers.  Or that package of artificially-flavored fruit snacks that don't have one natural ingredient in them can also come in handy when we are at the store or the post office or we just need them to be quiet and pre-occupied for a few minutes.  I am certainly not above these things.

However, when we are at home, as we often are, I do like to keep it on the "healthier" end of the spectrum.  But when I am thinking about what to prepare for dinner, I often get overwhelmed and frustrated at the prospect of making another Mommy-fail of a meal.  So I am always open to advice, particularly kid-friendly recipes.  Like I said, I do a lot of online research, but I would love to hear from other parents as well.  Especially from you...

I am curious.  What do your kiddos eat on a typical day?  Do they eat three square meals?  Or are they grazers?  Do they eat, or at least try, everything offered to them?  Does texture bother them?  Do they have any quirks or food sensitivities?  Can their sliced apples touch their macaroni and cheese on their plate or will that trigger a complete meltdown?  Do they eat at the table?  What is your favorite memory, involving food, of your child?

I want to hear about it!  I want to hear your advice, your success stories, your epic kitchen fails, your kid-friendly recipes, your stories!  I am always open to a good discussion.  I love hearing from other parents.  So please comment, either here on the blog or on Facebook and tell me, What do your kiddos eat?

Dylan's first solid food feeding.
He seemed more inclined to appease us back then when his food only consisted of breast-milk mixed with baby cereal.


  1. Aw man. I never realized the joy I would get from something as simple as watching my child eat!! It is such a hard-won battle so many times...

    My default for Ever, who has definitely been a challenge, is noodles. I buy those packs at Costco that come with three different shapes. Noodles, butter, a little salt, and frozen peas. That's almost always a winner... and fast too. If I'm feeling up for the fight, I might put some moose meat in it. Rice and peas were always a go-to with her too, of course with butter and salt. Definitely messier .... We definitely go in phases though. I think the first summer Tell was around, Ever and I ate a lot of tortillas and cheese. Mama didn't have much interest in cooking ;) She loved eating fresh cucumbers from the greenhouse, and handing Tell a whole apple can usually buy me 20 minutes of quiet as he works his way through it. Both the kids like frozen grapes as a treat....

    I always try to get them to eat something solid for breakfast, even if it is pancakes or french toast smothered in syrup. At least their tummy is full. Lunch is usually more of a snack. Snacks in the afternoon. Small portions for supper. Bry thinks that's key -- giving them realistic portions that they could reasonably finish.

    It sounds like you're doing just fine. Treats and goodies here and there are what life's about ;) Keep at it, some kids take longer to warm up to new stuff than others. I have definitely seen that difference between Ever and Tell. It took 2 years, but we finally found a way she likes salmon -- cooked in Teriyaki sauce alongside some rice and corn. Oh, and moose hotdogs. Key protein source for both my kids. With macaroni and cheese of course ;)

    Ok, there's my novel.... good luck! Hope to run into you one of these days :)

  2. Thanks for the feedback Jackie! You breakfasts sound very similar to ours. I always worry about the sugary syrup but I suppose we all grew up on the same thing, eh? ;-)

    I feel like a lot of Dylan's aversions are texture-related and that maybe I could get away with a lot more if it was mashed or strategically hidden or masked by other flavors and more palatable textures. Sometimes that works. And sometimes he catches right on to my sneaky tactics.

    I was a HUGE mac and cheese kid but I have yet to get Dylan to like that one. He has gobbled it on occasion, but most of the time he spits it out. I guess I should try different noodles...

    Anyway, thanks for the ideas! I especially think that Dylan might like teriyaki salmon!

    Hope to see you soon too!

  3. Sigh, I was exactly where you are about 6 years ago. Quincy literally likes about 5 foods. All junk too. He eats NO fresh fruits or veggies, unless we force him, and then its gagging and all kinds a dramatics. We can only get him fruit if its apple sauce, fruit leather, fruit chips, basically processed stuff. When he was a toddler I kept a food journal of EVERYTHING he ate because I stressed so much about getting him to be a well rounded eater. I gave up along the way of course. I have tried everything though, the "he eats only what I cook" approach, which led to many skipped meals. I mean he could probably go head to head with Gandhi on the hunger strikes. I find that compromise works. Have at least one favorite meal and try new things other times. It didn't help that my kids are on the small side. I even asked his doctor if his picky eating has to do with why he was so small. He assured me that genetics was the reason, not his picky eating :). Now, Q is still picky, but he's normal weight, normal height. And as my family tells me, I was just as picky as Q, maybe even more so, and now I'm a very adventurous eater. Oh, and Charlotte eats everything. Polar opposites. I wouldn't be surprised if baby #2 ate everything!

    1. Omigosh Frances, your Gandhi comment cracked me up! Dylan is the EXACT same way. Ever since we weened him from the bottle, he has lost his baby fat and now he is all skin and bones. You can see his ribs! It worries me to no end.

      And I felt the same way when trying to "force" him to eat only what we eat. That pretty much resulted in him eating nothing! The kid could go days! It's amazing what they can make it on.

      Thanks for reading and for the comment! It makes me feel better to know that there are others in the same boat :-)

  4. Three kids.
    One will eat anything.
    One will eat (mostly) only fresh fruits.
    One would make Morgan Spurlock's 30 days of Mickey D's look like a good start.
    Somehow it works. Even if we have 40% of the family in uproar over what's cooking.
    Smoothies have been a winner, across the board, and almost nightly. Lots of fruits and veggies in the smoothies. And some hidden things of which our kids are none-the-wiser.
    Always a good time.

    1. Scotty,

      I gotta get on the smoothie kick! That seems to be the number one suggestion from most parents on sneaking in those pesky- won't-eat it- can't-make-me ingredients.

      My blender is currently under the weather... it's time for a new one!

      Love and miss you.

  5. Oh goodness. Where do I start. First off, I'm loving the blog! Great writing Jo. Second, these gosh dang kiddos ; ) I thank my lucky stars that Oliver's absolute fave food is baked kale. I buy it in a big bag at the store, tear it into chips, add a lil flax seed oil and salt and he'll gobble up as many cookie sheets full as I'll make him. Other than that...smoked turkey dogs (one specific brand), turkeyroni's, Applegate Farms turkey bacon, dry toast, and anything with a chip/cracker crunchy salty taste. That's a pretty inclusive list. He was pretty in to baby carrots for about a month, but now, sometimes he will use it as a tool to transfer hummus, if I'm lucky. He was also into apples for a couple weeks, now won't touch them. I have a whole cupboard full of "healthy" snack chip/cracker options that are pretty hit and miss. Raisenetes are a hit for potty treats. We've been working on smoothies with kale or spinach. Somedays he'll go for it, some not. Right now Odwalla Super Green is working for Omi. The other day I got him to eat a Yo Baby yogurt tube. Hasn't worked since. I thought I was on to something when I started putting hummus and guacamole on tortilla chips. He has since caught on. Cheese, the right kind, will usual pass. THANKFULLY, Omi has got him to eat peas, but only a certain kind. My conclusions thus far on feeding this sweet child of mine: 1) He's not going to try anything unless he has basically starved himself for a couple of days. Even then it is with hesitation. 2) Any glimpse of hope I get from this stage is only that. Low chances it will stick. 3) He is HUGE on textures and temperatures and I need to find things that he is okay with.
    I'm bad about taking something I see him try and making it healthy, therefore turning him off of it. Like pancakes (whole wheat w/ bananas and dark chocolate, or grilled ham & cheese (sneak guac or spinach in).
    I'm not sure I've ever experienced something so frustrating. I don't like wasting food while I'm constantly trying to find things he'll like or create new recipes with some nutritional value. I don't like giving him processed food everyday. At this point, I try to make myself feel better just by not giving up on the good fight. Oh - popcorn, that's another hit right now. Not much nutrition, but has a lot of fiber. Google prosciutto quiche cups and click on the epicurious recipe. I've been making these for my breakfast, adding some veggies, and eating them all week on my early mornings. Maybe something he would like? Ollie can't have them because of the eggs.
    This turned into a bit of a late night tired rant, sorry. I can't wait to sit and talk to your beautiful face about all this grown up life stuff! ; ))

    1. Stacey,
      I absolutely cannot wait to see your face again. I was thinking about our summer nights last year spent on the deck with some mommy beverages after our kiddos went to sleep. Ahhhhh, sooo nice.

      It's so nice to know I'm not the only mom out there that struggles to feed her kiddo. Dylan was the same with guacamole, liked it for a day, then hated it ever since. I need to try it again. I have yet to try hummus... fingers crossed!

      I think D and Ollie are a lot a like in the texture and temperature arena. Can't be too crunchy! Or too grainy! Or too hot, or too cold! Sigh. Sometimes it feels like a lose/lose battle.

      Thanks for the proscuitto quiche cup recipe! I'm adding it the collection to try!

      Love and miss you so much, dear friend. Give that Ollie a snuggle for me.


  6. Thought I'd use your question as my own writing prompt. They can be such stinkers and quite content to stay in their rut, can't they? Ugh!

    1. Emily,

      I LOVE this!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

