Friday, May 31, 2013

Dempsey Mining 2012 Slideshow

Hello all!  Dempsey Mining 2013 preparations have begun and Dave, Dylan, and I are headed to Glennallen tomorrow to finish some work on the trommel and the sluice box, ready our cabin for the summer, and to celebrate Dan's retirement!  We have much to be thankful for already this year as Mother Nature has blessed us with some beautiful days this week.  I finally planted my flowers and my sloper came home and pretty much kicked butt on the rest of the yard work.  Dylan and Keiser supervised with a few games of fetch and some time spent in the kiddie pool.

We are readying our home for a busy, fun-filled summer, complete with gold mining, a visit from my brother and his family in July/August, and, hopefully, a lot of time spent in Alaska's beautiful backyard.  Not to mention, in case you didn't already know, we have another baby cozily ensconced in my belly that will make his or her debut in early September.  We are all very excited... with the exception Dylan, who remains very skeptical about the new tiny human.

I am looking forward to the beautiful Glenn Highway drive tomorrow and some much-needed family time.  We will be camping/celebrating at Lake Louise with the whole fam damily and breaking in our campers for the 2013 mining summer.  I'm not sure when I'll be able to write you all again as we will be in and out of internet range.  Until then, I have composed a slideshow of our 2012 pics.  Please watch and enjoy!  Hope this finds you all well and in good spirits.

*Note:  This might translate better on a computer rather than a smartphone.  Also, you can click on the box on the lower right side of the screen to make it full screen, that way you can get the full effect of the breathtaking scenery. ;-)


  1. Jo~
    That was great and fun slide show! I loved all the pictures and the music was perfect. I'm scared to show Josh this slide show, he'll pack us all up and head out to the gold fields:o) It's looks hard, but all that family time and memories are worth it, I'd have to say:o) I liked the picture of Dave, Dylan and Kaiser all on the bed:o) The flood looked super scary!!!
    Best wishes this year, Please be safe with the little bun:o) Have tons of fun with the family. I hope you have lots of sun!!!

  2. Thanks Amber!! I love getting comments on this blog. :-) My Auntie said the same thing this morning- "be careful with that baby in your tummy and with your little guy!" Then she asked me if I carry a gun up there. LOL!

    Yeah, better not show Josh, hehehe ;-)

    We'll be in Glennallen on and off the next few weeks so I'll give you a call so we can hang!! xoxo
