Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dempsey Mining Introductions

Good morning loved ones.  I was just thinking that it's probably time for you to meet the crew.  Many of you already know us, but for those who don't, I would like for you to meet our family and fellow crew-mates. Dempsey Mining, meet faithful readers.  Faithful readers, meet Dempsey Mining....

Dani, aka Little General

Dani digs up some gold!

Dani, aka "Little General", has been our excavator-running extraordinaire!  You should see her folks.  She operates that excavator like nobody's business.  Hour after hour, day after day, she digs material out of the ground and pours it into the trommel.  She is literally our gold-digger.

Dani gives Daniel 30th birthday cake!
Daniel, aka Croatian Sensation

Dani's husband, Daniel, aka "The Croatian Sensation", is my brother-in-law from abroad, and Dempsey Mining's loader-operator.  He pushes needed material to Dani's excavator, and processed material (or "tailings" in miner's terms) away from the trommel.  And he does all of this in between his hitches on the North Slope.  Busy guy!

Dylan gets some Grandma time

Rita, aka "Momma La Rita", is our camp Mom.  She is camp cook, clothes-washer, and errand-runner. She keeps the coffee going, our bellies full, and keeps our spirits healthy and alive... which is no easy task! She is the Mother Hen to us all and Dempsey Mining couldn't do it without her.

Uncle Mike and Auntie Peggy

Peggy, aka Auntie Peggy, is our loader operator, rock-crusher operator, and camp cook.  What doesn't she do?!  She pretty much does it all!  And she always keeps a smile on her face... and ours!  Sweet Auntie Peggy.

Peggy's husband, Mike, aka Uncle Mike, is our excavator operator, rock-crusher operator, loader-operator, and maintenance man.  He keeps the wheels turning on the equipment and he, too, does this all in between slope hitches.  Uncle Mike keeps it real with a cool-head and a cheerful attitude.

Doctor Dan

Dan, aka "Doctor Dan".  Well, where do I start?  Dan is our go-to guy for just about everything.  Equipment problems, camper problems, rock-slides... there's nothing he can't operate, fix, or invent.  Hence his nick-name, Doctor Dan.  He's the backbone of the operation, the glue that holds it all together.  Dempsey Mining is extremely fortunate to have it's own "doctor."

Miner Dave gives me a ride in the loader
Miner Dave and Miner Jr.

Dave, aka "Miner Dave."  I love this miner.  He's one of my faves.  (But I may be a little biased.)  Dave is the one that dreamed up the whole operation.  He took an idea and ran with it.  Dave's enthusiasm and persistent attitude is what inspired six people to buy campers, move to Valdez for a summer, and work their butts off for their share of that legendary Alaska gold.  He organized the whole affair; from finding and buying equipment to spending hours on paperwork and phone calls, from sorting out the financial aspect of everything, crunching numbers and hours and wages, to spending his two weeks off from the slope slaving away with his crew-members at the mine.  And, so far, his perseverance has paid off.  We all love Miner Dave... especially me.  Without him, there would be no Dempsey Mining.


Apollo!  The wonder dog! AKA "Polly-zipper-face ."  He's part golden retriever, part arctic fox, party mystery-mutt mix, and an all-around fun, energetic guy.  We love him for his cute face, his lively attitude, and his never-ending zest for life.

Midgey! The mini-canine with a big heart.  She's a sweet little thing.  We love her for her calm spirit, her "don't you love me?" eyes, and her ever-faithful loyalty.

Keiser!  The insistant, persistant, consistant play-fetch-all-day pooch!  AKA "Labradork."  He may have a grey beard but he is still a puppy at heart.  We love him for his friendly demeanor, his ambitious "I WILL play fetch all day" attitude, and his handsome mug.


Dylan, AKA "D" or "Wolfie."  He's got class, he's got style, he's got cheeks to die for, and he's got one heck of a heart-melting giggle.  We can't imagine mining (or life!) without Dylan.  His favorite things in life are stacking blocks, wrestling, dancing to wee-sing silly songs, Toy Story, bouncy balls, Daddy, Mommy, his three Grandma's, Grandpa, all of his Aunties and Uncles, his BFF Apollo, apples (or bapples in Dylan-terms), and yogurt-covered raisins.  We love him for just being him.  He is pretty much the coolest thing since sliced bread. Dylan: my laughter, my love, my heart. Cutest.  Miner.  Ever.

Well, that pretty much sums it up.  Hope you had fun meeting the crew.  I wish you a day full of merriment and wonder.  

Departing thought... "Everything you can imagine is real." ~Pablo Picasso~

1 comment:

  1. LOVED this post!! Your so great with words and explaining peoples/pets personalities!! Thanks for sharing!
