Friday, August 17, 2012

French Toast Friday

It's French Toast Friday!  That's how we roll in the Dempsey house.  I have been avoiding carbs all week as I have been working on some of that unwanted bulge that I think nearly every Mommy battles.  But this morning, bread and sugary syrup were my allies.  And coffee was my friend.  Best friend.

Yesterday was a challenging day.  One of those where you know as soon as you see your kiddo that they woke up on the wrong side of the crib and they are not going to let you get anything done.  Nor do they want your snuggles, or for you to read to them, or for you to help them stack blocks or help them open their snack pack.  They simply won't be fooled into liking you.  It was one of those days where you realize just how human your little one is and how sometimes they can wake up crabby and have an opinion regarding everything from how their food is prepared to what they're wearing.  It was one of those days where you are reminded, no matter how much you try to alter their behavior, that your little toddler is... well... exactly like you.


So, this morning after my little mini-me woke up at 6, I couldn't help myself.  The day called for carbohydrates.  And french toast it was!  Smothered in syrup.  Dylan was pleased.  And, although he insisted on rubbing the syrup all over his tray and in his hair (just after last night's bath), he ate a good-sized helping and, afterwards, he gave me some snuggles.  They may have only lasted a few seconds, but they were snuggles nonetheless!  Besides, he's nearly 21 months old.  He's got a busy and important schedule ahead of him today.  There are books to be read and blocks to be stacked... independently mind you.  And there are parks to be visited.

Today is the day that Mommy enjoys extra carbohydrates with her boy and her boy gets to get "the wiggles" out at the park.  I love this little man.  Mini-David, mini-me, "tiny human" as Dave called him when he was in my tummy.  Tiny human indeed.  Full of attitude, full of opinions.  Full of life!

Thank you, God, for each day.  For good days, for bad days, for snuggle days, for grumpy days.  And especially for "French Toast Fridays."

1 comment:

  1. smiles for you two:o) Yes, Thank God for every day with our little ones, even if the day isn't perfect to us:o)
